Sunday, July 27, 2014


Zickuhr, K. and Rainie, L. ( 2014, January 16). E-Reading Rises as Device Ownership Jumps. Pew
        Research Center. Retrieved July 25, 2014 from

Adults 18 and over are buying more E-Reader devices than before, but people are still reading books instead of using those devices.  In the survey only 4% of the adults were e-readers alone, most did both and those who are audiobook listeners will do more than one type of reading, e-readers, books or audio.   Not only do e-readers use Kindle or Nooks to read but they also use tablets, phones, or their computers.

I know when I ask people if they buy or check out e-books, most will say no because they like to have the "real thing" in their hand.  I have bought several books for my Kindle and I enjoy it more because I don't need a light on to read and I can get comfortable in bed and read.

In this survey, the 18-29 years old had the highest percent in all the categories; print, e-book and audiobook, while 65 and over had the least percentage in e-books and audiobooks.  This is probably due to the fact that many over 65 have not had the advantage of being around technology as the younger group.  Even though e-reading has increased in all age groups it still is not the most popular way to read a book. Of course, the most popular way is to have the book in hand.

I will be doing a survey in September to see how this plays out with children and parents of children from the ages of 5-10.  I would like to see if purchasing more e-books for the library is worth the money and if these families have e-reader devices and what type they use if they do. I would also like to know if these parents would check out e-books for their children or if they just purchase them.

20 pages

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