New Books of the Month - September
The Storyteller
by Evan Turk (Author, Illustrator)
Long, long ago, like a pearl around a grain of sand, the Kingdom of Morocco formed at the edge of the great, dry Sahara. It had fountains of cool, refreshing water to quench the thirst of the desert, and storytellers to bring the people together.
But as the kingdom grew, the people forgot the dangers of the desert, and they forgot about the storytellers, too. All but one young boy, who came to the Great Square for a drink and found something that quenched his thirst even better: wonderful stories. As he listened to the last storyteller recount the Endless Drought, and the Glorious Blue Water Bird, he discovered the power of a tale well told.
What To Do With a Box
by Jane Yolen (Author), Chris Sheban (Illustrator)
If you give a child a box, who can tell what will happen next? It may become a library or a sailboat, a palace or a race car. It could just as easily set the scene for a fairy tale or a wild expedition. The most wonderful thing is its seemingly endless capacacity for magical adventure.
Me First!: Prefixes Lead the Way
by Robin Pulver (Author), Lynn Rowe Reed (Illustrator)
The PREfixes in Mr. Wright's classroom are about to make their entrance. It's not going to be a quiet one.
But instead, something UNusual happens. the Prefixes are OVERshadowed by someone who looks just like Abaham Lincoln. It's UNfair, DISrespectful, and UNthinkable!
Mr. Wright's classroom is in for another wacky grammar lesson, one that will make PREfixes hard to forget.
Coyote Moon
by Maria Gianferrari (Author), Bagram Ibatoulline (Author)

A howl in the night.
A watchful eye in the darkness.
A flutter of movement among the trees.
In the dark of the night, a mother coyote stalks prey to feed her hungry pups. Her hunt takes her through a suburban town, where she encounters a mouse, a rabbit, a flock of angry geese, and finally an unsuspecting turkey on the library lawn.
Perhaps Coyote's family won't go hungry today
The Marvelous Thing That Came from a Spring: The Accidental Invention of the Toy That Swept the Nation
by Gilbert Ford (Author, Illustrator)
One day, a spring fell from the desk of Richard James, an engineer and a dreamer. Its coils took a walk…and so did Richard’s imagination. He knew right away that he had stumbled onto something marvelous.
With the help of his wife, Betty, Richard took this ordinary spring and turned it into a plaything. But it wasn’t just any old trinket—it was a Slinky, and it would become one of the most popular toys in American history.